Moon Moon


Development Role
Level Designer

Development Time
5 Weeks

Team Size

Tool Size
Unreal Engine 5, Perforce, Krita

Game Concept
Get to the goal at the end of the level by jumping and inverting gravity

My Contributions

Level Design
All my contributions were on level 4 and 5. They were:

  • Drew the level sketches

  • Implemented the level block-out

  • Tested and iterated on levels

Design Pillars

Gravity Changing

Responsive Movement

Speed Running

My Level Design Principles

for this Game

Setting the objective early in the level

The player is shown the objective in the first moment of playing the levels.

Blocking excess of information

To avoid overwhelming the player I blocked some of the details and challenges the player didn’t need to see at different moments of play.

Guiding the player

I used the level geometry, obstacle placement, objects of contrasting colors and blocking of information to guide the player.

Rewarding the observant player

The levels have hidden alternative paths to the goal that are shorter than the explicit path.
The observant player is rewarded by gaining access to these.

The level is a puzzle box

More than just a set of skill challenges, the level offers the player a puzzle to solve. The more the player understands how sections are connected the better they are at traversing the level.

Reminding the player of the goal.

As the player progresses through the level they are reminded of the goal and its position.

Level Design Sketches of

the 4th Level

The objective with this level is to introduce the spikes to the player.
To achieve this, the player starts in a room surrounded by spikes. These spikes shine red to communicate danger and to contrast with everything else. To get out of the room the player just needs to invert gravity to a completely and spacious ceiling at height 5. By walking in the ceiling the player can reach the floor at height 3 and continue with the rest. From this point onwards the player encounters spikes periodically.

Memorable Vistas

When designing the levels I procured creating interesting vistas for the player to see.
I belive in rewarding the player with memorable views just alongside “a-ha!” moments to create engaging experiences.


Stealthy Toddler


No More Monkey Business - Level Design